
Fbackup 5.5
Fbackup 5.5

fbackup 5.5

PHP Error Log 1 lines PHP Warning: fileperms(): stat failed for /wp-content/uploads/db-backup in /wp-content/plugins/wp-database-backup/includes/admin/class-wpdb-admin. The test tool only looks for a few specific types of added content. This section is not intended to be comprehensive. I do not understand why fbackup crashes out and so any help would be most welcome./wp-admin/edit-tags.php?taxonomy=category FBackup also allows you to password-protect your backup. dev/vg00/lvol4 81920 26241 52250 33% /home FBackup can backup open/locked files, and it can perform full and mirror backups (backup type that does not compress the files) and has ZIP64 support (can create backups over 2 GB), and creates standard zip files, meaning that you can access it with any zip compatible utility. Īnd finally here is a breakdown of the drivesįilesystem kbytes used avail %used Mounted on 2>&1įull backup failed on preapp01 : Mon Nov 26 11:18. Here is the output of the /var/sam/log/br_logįull backup started on preapp01 : Mon Nov 26 11:18: (Scheduled Backup) See /var/sam/log/br_log for details.įbackup(1421): no history is available for graph file /etc/sam/br/graphKEAa24348 (below level 0)įbackup(1004): session begins on Mon Nov 26 11:18:39 2001įbackup(1010): semget failed for the semaphore

fbackup 5.5

Below is the result from the SAM window showing that fbackup has failedīr_backup: Invoking fbackup. I'm trying to perform a full backup of the entire system and keep bombing out and I am not sure why. I am having trouble using fbackup under SAM in HP-UX 10.20.

Fbackup 5.5