
Do opera extensions compromise privacy
Do opera extensions compromise privacy

do opera extensions compromise privacy

If no extension is installed loading takes around 40ms of CPU time. This means the browser can’t respond to user interactions. JavaScript execution or running layout logic blocks the browser main thread. Browser memory consumption How much memory do different components of the browser use?.Background CPU time How much processing does the extension do in the background?.Page rendering delays How long does it take until the page displays some content?.Page CPU time How long is the page main thread busy for, and what is it doing?.Each of these has been installed more than 2 million times. Let’s start by looking at the 100 most used Chrome extensions. I've now updated the charts and the list of extensions.Ĭonclusion Performance impact of the Top 100 extensions ​ Update 8 July 2020: I originally reported the simulated FCP metric provided by Lighthouse rather than the First Contentful Paint observed in the browser. Here's a list of all tested extensions and their results (this link now shows 2021 data). The main metrics I'll consider are CPU consumption, memory consumption, and whether the extension makes pages render more slowly. I tested how the 1000 most popular Chrome extensions affect browser performance. Update: read the 2021 Chrome Extension Performance Report

Do opera extensions compromise privacy